Sunday, August 30, 2009

Special Lunches x 2

The kids Laptop Lunches came in the mail last week. I am LOVING them!

Breakfast - Cherry/Blueberry Pancakes and Sausage
Lunch - Grandma's Homemade Macaroni and Cheese, Meat Sticks, Mixed Vegetables, Strawberries and Apples

Breakfast - Cherry/Blueberry Pancakes, Sausage, and Syrup
Lunch - Peanut Butter and Raspberry Jam(Homemade) Sandwich, Carrots, Grape Tomatoes, Strawberries and Caramel Corn

They sent Jonathan a purple lunch box by mistake, they are replacing it with a blue one. Now we get a free purple one too!!

Trip to Walgreens

I had $13 in Register Rewards that were about to expire next week that I needed to use up. Jonathan spent the night at Nana and Papa's so that allowed Lilah and I some time to hit up Walgreens this morning.

I spent $4.76, and earned $15 in register rewards. I was able to roll all of my Register Rewards and not loose a dollar. The Walgreens in Grand Blanc is one that will normally let you use multiple RR in one purchase.

I never use to shop at Walgreens, until I started using coupons. But if I can pick up a few things here and there, for just pennies, I'll make the extra stop.

The only item I really NEEDED was coffee creamer, my work bottle was almost empty. Every time we get sick, we seem to be out of cold medicne (other than Samboucal), and we end up paying full price. I got the TheraFlu for free. I am going to try to stock up more on cold medicine so we don't end up having to buy it at full price because we need it.

That is the thing that I enjoy the most about using coupons. Very rarely am I getting groceries because we NEED something (other than milk or eggs). I get the items that we will use, at the best price I can get. That way when we need them, we have them. I don't mind paying .24 for a can up Tomato Soup today, rather than $1.59 when I need it.

Gone Krogering

I have been slacking on me deal posts. Don't get me wrong, I have been getting deals, I just haven't had the time to take pictures and post them.

Last week's trip to Kroger was just too good not to share.

I spent $42.46, and saved $126.97

That includes:
8 boxes of cereal (6 Cherrios and 2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch)
6 boxes of Hamburger Helper
Nighttime Pullups
2 packages of English Muffins
5 Containers of Juice (5 Juice Juice, 1 Ocean Spray)
2 packages of Gatorate G2
4 Kraft Sundried Tomato Pasta
2 Macaronni Grill Pasta Dinners
2 Wachai Ferry Asian Dinner Creations
4 Packages of Yogurt
2 Packages of Yogurt Drinks
Jenny-O Turkey Ham
Plenty of more, those items were just harder to see in the picture.

I love Kroger!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

She's one. A glass of wine(for me), and a box of Kleenex.

It's hard to believe that my little Lilah is now one.

This past year has gone by faster than I ever could have imagined. A year ago, we were a family of three. This little lady was safe and sound in my belly. Then after a trip to the hospital, Lilah was "boring"(Jonathan insists that is what happened).

The first few months were rough. When she would stop breathing it was terrifying. Her intollerance to so many things that I was eating completly changed my diet, along with hers. Now, she will often eat just as much, if not more, than what Jonathan eats at a meal. And he is a good eater. She no longer wants anything to do with babyfood, and eats whatever we are eating.

This little girl that was carried around hooked up to a monitor for months, now walks and dances across the floor.

That little dark head of hair is now lighter, and very curly (wonder where that came from).

Those little toes that were too chubby to fit in shoes, still only fit in a pair or two :)

That little mouth that would utter a cry here and there, now argues back and forth with her brother. And yells "momma" when I am needed, will say Lilah, Bubba, and Dadda occassionally.

The little body that slept next to me in the co-sleeper, still sleeps next to me in her pack and play. And I imagine she will stay there a few months longer. Just not quite ready to make the move to her big bed yet.

I don't know why I am more emotional about her turning one, with Jonathan I was just so excited at each and every new thing he was doing. Maybe it is because she could be our last, maybe not. Either way, she was just born, and now she is one. A toddler. My newborn is now a toddler. I think this deserves some wine. And some tissues.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunny Summer Days

Mike has started a week of closing 7 nights in a row. Lovely. The kids and I made the most out of the weekend with a trip to the splash pad, some late night shopping for party decorations, Birch Run with Aunt Becky, and a fun evening at Nana and Papa's. In addition to that I feel rather accomplished. Cooked, cleaned, got laundry done, cleaned the kids room, and worked on editing (should have done that more, I have 4 sessions left to edit still).
Now this week will be busy. More editing to do, lots of cleaning for Lilah's party this weekend, and another (possibly 2) photo session, and next weekend we have a family reunion and Lilah's 1st Birthday Party. Did I mention she is turning one in a week? I can't believe it.